How AI is changing the way Search Engine Optimisation works SEO is a pretty big deal these days. If you want people to be able to find your business when they’re searching online, SEO is the tool you need. But SEO has always been a bit of a challenge. It’s a time-consuming, long-term strategy, and […]
Category: SEO
Keep up to date with the latest Gordon Digital news and a selection of articles we think you’ll find helpful for building your business.
Local search is one of the fastest growing (and most important!) Google trends! Google now handles about 63,000 searches per second, and almost half of them contain local intent. That means millions of people are searching for nearby results, and local SEO is the best way to get your foot in the door! The right […]
Website authority is one of the most important things Google measures when it’s ranking your website. Authority is Google’s way of judging how helpful the content on your site is. The higher your authority, the higher your ranking. In most cases, high authority scores are earned by having strong hyperlinks between your website and other […]
Everything you do in the digital marketing space needs to be married to an overarching strategy. Building a website, writing blogs, posting on social media – those things are all great, but the effort isn’t worth anything if you can’t get them to work together. That’s where Google Trends can help out. One of the […]
It’s no secret that we all want to show up in the top spot on Google’s Search Engine Results Page (SERP). That #1 organic position captures 39.6% of all clicks that happen on Google. Even the #2 spot only manages to pick up half as many clicks, and the percentages drop off sharply after that. […]
“Voice search will change digital marketing.” This is a claim you’ve probably heard multiple times! And no wonder – a 2018 study found that 57% of Australians have adopted voice search, and the number is only bound to have grown since. This means brands across the board must make sure they have all their bases covered. The […]